Any amount helps us achieve our goals!

This is not a tax-payer funded project.  The development of this trail system will be supported by donations from businesses, individuals, and benevolent entities throughout the Muskegon region.  

All donations for this project are tax-deductible since MEMBA is a 501(C)(3) charitable non-profit corporation

Giving levels tied to specific items

Gold Level

$25,000 - Sponsor the pavilion (One Available)

Silver Level

$15,000 - Sponsor the Parking Lot Expansion (One Available)

$ 5,000 - Sponsor a maintenance shed (One Available)

Bronze Level

$1,000- Sponsor a Kiosk with large logo/name on the trailhead kiosk (Multiple Available)

$1,000- Sponsor Solar Powered Lights (Multiple Available)

Copper level

$500 - Sponsor a Kiosk with small logo/name on the trailhead kiosk (Multiple Available)

General Level

$100 - All $100+ supporters will be recognized on the website

Make CHECKS payable to MEMBA

Mail to:   MEMBA Treasurer, 140 Bay Circle Drive, Holland, MI 49424